Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

today and yesterday..

yersterday i've no class so i woke up late..too late..i guess around 12pm..haha..then me and my cousins had our lunch at 2.30pm..after lunch,we went to our room and do our own stupid things..then at 4.30pm,i took my 5pm,i went to kemuda but i reached kemuda at 5.30 la..ehehe...i actually have my night class at 7pm but i came early cz i wna hang out with my friends 1st..xp in class,me,ed and rus are in the same group..we operate the pc..ed and rus became the doctor and me as their nurse..aha..we finish class at 9.39pm..i went home and msging with my boo till 3am..hehe..

today,i woke up late around 8.30am...straight i take my shower cz i thought it was 9am..aha..after siap bebaju apa endah then i realize it's just 9am..haha..pastu we all jalan la go banarrrrrrrr...we are early..usually kami yg aher..haha..i cant tell much now cz its still early..maybe later if i online..datz if i rajin..haha..k,datz ol for now..muahzzz....

Ahad, 26 Oktober 2008

school day..

today aku balik bandar..and now im in kemuda dah..we are an hour early's something we never do since last two semester..haha..i drank milk as breakfast before leaving kaybee this morning..and now i'm drinking milo and just finish eating tonky and chipsmore chocolate..but still i'm hungry..haha..i feel like eating mall roti john..ehe..erm..there's nothing more i wana say..i'll drop by later if there's anything i'd like to share..k..tata..muahzZz...


today's sunday..nothing much happen..i woke up late at dvd on my laptop in the afternoon..then around 5pm i went to the kitchen n finish up my work there...about six,i went to my cousin's house which is just right next door,my aunt from seria came by there..she said something which made me so mad..i feel like wana point my middle finger ro her and say "BIT**)!!but i can't..x( i end up playing counter strike in my room..and now im writting in my blog..aha..k,bye!!

Khamis, 23 Oktober 2008

aku sakai

now im in kemuda..listening to sir maynard explaining bout motherboard..xp i just created this blog a while ago..sakai banar ku tadi..sssssssoooooooo blurrrrrrr!!!haha...class will end at 9pm..means it only 40mins away from n0w..cant wait to go home..i wanna resTttttt!!!so i guess this is it for now..muahx!!